BIOWOMAN is a new artistic movement that has started in St. Petersburg in 2013 and considered by its participants as a series of international traveling exhibitions.
The first two exhibitions were held in St. Petersburg in 2013, one – in The Diaghilev Museum of Modern Arts (5.03-17.03.2013), the second – in the gallery "Dvoika" (12.03-16.03.2013).
The third exhibition took place in Germany, in the gallery "Kunst Raum Labyrinth", Remscheid (29.11-20.12.2013), fourth – in Cologne, Gallery "Seidel" (15.03 –11.04.2014).
Ahead – the United States and France.
Uniqueness of the project lies in its spontaneous, self-organizing and open character. In this regard, one can speak of an entirely new type of art movement, which acts successfully without having a particular leader or permanent curator. Traveling all over the world, the project involves a new and new participants with different backgrounds, age, language and cultural codes. Today it brings together women artists from Russia, Germany, Israel, USA, France, working in different genres and techniques (painting, photography, sculpture, installation, digital art etc.)
All the participants are interested in idea of searching the space of female artists in the field of art, which is still occupied by men's attitudes and tastes. The purpose is to show the women's art not like a salon, "decorative" trifle, but as an actual and contemporary phenomenon carrying positive feminine world. This principle is laid down in the project title. "BIO" in Greek is "life." BIOWOMAN movement demonstrates bright and diverse art as life itself.